
We understand you would like to opt-out of our promotions.

No problem! <3

Please provide the name, number and/or email of the person(s) you would like removed, and we will update accordingly.

All fields are optional - however - The more complete this information is, the more likely it is we will get it right when updating our files. Help us help you!

Note: the contact info provided must match what is already in our system for us to accurately complete this process.

For further assistance or comment, please reach us at Contact@NWGiveaways.com

Name (Opt-Out)

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Please enter the name of the person who is opting out:

Email (Opt-Out)

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Please enter the email address you would like removed:

Phone Number (Opt-Out)

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Please enter the phone number you would like removed:

Alt-Phone Number (Opt-Out)

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If applicable, please enter an alternate phone number you would like removed: